One of the first things that I learned from my grandfather was that there is nothing more despicable than a bully. Not only a physical bully, but a mental bully must not be allowed to exist in a civilized society. From a long line of ship masters, he first served as mate under his father, who served under his father etc. It is ironic, considering the life on the London docks in the 15th through 20th Centuries. The docks were a rough place. Sailors were impressed and the rule of a ship’s master was absolute. It would be easy to be an unfair tyrant, but sometimes that could backfire. For me, the easiest way to face punishment and sanction was to bully someone, particularly my younger brother.
That is the start of what I call playground education that most children must have to progress from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, some never make it. The playground bully would attract his share of sycophants and droolers, but generally, they had to go through life in a state of paranoia and isolation, with no friends. I was imbued with the sense of duty to society and humanity. Not only was I prohibited from bullying, I was charged with the obligation to make things better for people if within my power to do so. These are what set us apart from the state of nature. They were deemed essential to the advancement of a society. So with this great burden, I ventured forth into the world, at times questioning whether or not I was given the requisite survival skills.
So, I wonder, as I watch election coverage, if I was born on a different planet and am a displaced alien here. The TV coverage and debates don’t reflect the culture or milieu in which I was raised. It reflected the barbarians of a different age. I wonder where such a sense of entitlement originated. Reflecting on Mr. Trump, it is clear that he regards himself the modern equivalent of a medieval baron, including having the right of Droit du Seigneur, entitling him complete entitlement to impose his desires on any female in his kingdom. Utterly amazing. Next, the Devine right of Kings will be invoked.
Meanwhile, no one is discussing, torture, drone warfare, privatization, incarceration, and other issues that real candidates should be discussing. Corporate theft is all but ignored as the CEO of a major bank resigns, confession massive fraud. We worship unethical cheating executives and want to punish the poor and needy. The business mentality is destroying our citizenry and country. Someone who perpetually stiffs sub-contractors, is not a leader. He is a predator. Likewise, playing footsie with bankers of Wall Street isn’t any good.